ad hoc / æd ˈhɒk; Latin ɑd ˈhoʊk /


ad hoc2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. for the special purpose or end presently under consideration: a committee formed ad hoc to deal with the issue.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. concerned or dealing with a specific subject, purpose, or end: The ad hoc committee disbanded after making its final report.

ad hoc 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

for a specific purpose

更多ad hoc例句

  1. A number of ad hoc initiatives currently do this work, but it’s a patchwork and insufficient system.
  2. It adds process, and checks and balances, to what is currently an ad hoc authority.
  3. Williams’ case is a signal to stop the ad hoc adoption of facial recognition before an injustice occurs that cannot be undone.
  4. When a report of abuse comes in, an ad hoc team of up to 10 NSO employees is assembled to investigate.
  5. Technology has offered a ready solution for some types of ad hoc conversations during the pandemic.
  6. A lot of the culture around movies in the sci-fi/fantasy genre is about deconstructing them ad nauseam.
  7. Yes, publicizing tragedy gets clicks, gets ad revenue, gets notoriety, and can be done for all the wrong reasons.
  8. When it came to Android, however, it was ad-supported but free.
  9. Late former governors of NY, TX starred in a 1994 snack chip ad.
  10. But an ad-supported version of Desert Golfing was impossible.
  11. "I supposed you 'adn't, as 'e ain't 'ere, with yer ma," replied the young person.
  12. Postrem quid nobis effectum hactenus, seu potis quid attentatum sit ad diuinam gloriam.
  13. Cert ante hoc tempus vix vnquam Gallis vacatum fuit conuertdis incolarum ad Christum animis.
  14. I don't blame him for killin' the cuss, not a bit; I'd have shot any man livin' that 'ad taken a good horse o' mine up that trail.
  15. In hoc Isthmo portus regalis est, vbi nunc degimus, ad gradum latitudinis quadragesimum quartum cum besse.